Shit From an Old Notebook (Chocolates and Flowers to D. Boon)

This brief paragraph was written some years ago while watching a favorite musician of mine debut a new band that was just (I thought) terrible. The band has built a following but I still don’t like them.

Porn Rock- designed to make you like it, if only in a visceral way. Not to surprise you or challenge you but to just fucking grind a pelvis in your face. Like AC/DC, but they at least might get credit for perfecting the form when it was still in its ascendance. But like what the fuck were The Strokes about except giving you the same shit that got your dad off before he met your mom, and maybe after? Pornography is a simple formula, tried and true, and doesn't need to be anything else. At least not to attract and keep a certain audience. The same thing's true with porn rock. The only thing that changes over time is the haircuts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Crystallized, perfectly.